- Hiu H. Wong, Athena
Email: hiu@libertychambers.com
黃大狀自2013年起成為香港執業大律師,亦於2016年獲頒發紐約州律師執業資格。黃大狀畢業於牛津大學(法學文學士)。 Athena has been practising as a barrister in Hong Kong since 2013. She has also been admitted as an attorney in New York since 2016. She graduated from Oxford University with a degree in law.
黃大狀專長國際商業、刑事及家事案件。成為大律師之前,曾為可口可樂、和記電訊等跨國企業的商業及法律條款談判提供服務。 Her practice focuses on cross-border commercial, criminal and family cases. Before practising as a barrister, she specialised in negotiating pricing and commercial terms for international firms, including Coca-Cola and Hutchison Telecommunications.
黃大狀在2019年獲邀為建築法律書籍《Emden’s Construction Law Hong Kong》作書評。此外,她亦是《Complex Commercial Litigation Law Review》第一版和第二版的香港法律章節的合著者。In 2019, she was invited to write the book review for the law book Eden’s Construction Law Hong Kong. Further, she was a co-author of the chapter on Hong Kong law for the law book Complex Commercial Litigation Law Review, the 1st and 2nd edition.
黃大狀曾於2023年底獲委任為區域法院暫委副司法常務官,亦於2019年中及2021年中獲委任為小額錢債審裁處暫委審裁官,曾審理及裁決多宗商業、合約及其他糾紛。Athena was appointed as Temporary Deputy Registrar of the District Court in late year 2023, and as Deputy Adjudicator of the Small Claims Tribunal at mid-year 2019 and mid-year 2021 respectively. She has the experience of adjudicating disputes on various areas.
1. 區域法院暫委副司法常務官 (2024.12.05 – 2025.01.28)
Temporary Deputy Registrar, District Court (2024.12.05 – 2025.01.28)
2. 區域法院暫委副司法常務官 (2023.10.30 – 2023.12.01)
Temporary Deputy Registrar, District Court (2023.10.30 – 2023.12.01)
3. 小額錢債審裁處暫委審裁官 (2021.07.05 – 2021.09.03)
Deputy Adjudicator, Small Claims Tribunal (2021.07.05 – 2021.09.03)
4. 小額錢債審裁處暫委審裁官 (2019.05.20 – 2019.08.30)
Deputy Adjudicator, Small Claims Tribunal (2019.05.20 – 2019.08.30)
2013 Middle Temple Scholarships for Advocacy Training 法庭辯護獎學金培訓
2009 Marshalling, Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (HKCFA) 香港終審法院學徒
2008 Rowlinson Award, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University 牛津大學獎項
2008 McDonough Prize, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University 牛津大學獎項
2007 President, Oxford University Debating Society 牛津大學辯論協會主席
1. 英國特許仲裁師公會資深會員(自2019年起)
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), since 2019
2. 香港仲裁師協會資深會員(自2016年起)
Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIARB), since 2016
3. 香港大律師公會「仲裁員名冊」成員(自2017年起)
Member, List of Arbitrators, Hong Kong Bar Association (HKBA), since 2017
4. 香港仲裁司協會「審裁員名冊」成員(自2021年起)
Member, Panel of Adjudicators, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, since 2021
5. 中國商事調解員(自2017年起)
Chinese Commercial Mediator, since 2017
6. 一邦國際網上仲調2019冠狀病毒病網上爭議解決計劃「仲裁員名冊」成員(自2020年起)
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, eBRAM COVID-19 Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Scheme, since 2020
7. 獲聘為「深圳國際仲裁院」仲裁員,列入《深圳國際仲裁院仲裁員名冊》,聘期三年(自2022年2月21日起至2025年2月20日)
Engaged as an arbitrator of Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA), and included into the SCIA Panel of Arbitrators with a term of three years (from 21 February 2022 to 20 February 2025)
8. 香港仲裁師協會「審裁及建築委員會」委員(自2018年起)
Member, Adjudication & Construction Committee, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIArb), since 2018
9. 香港總商會「法律委員會」委員(自2018年起)
Member, Legal Committee, Hong Kong Chambers of Commerce, since 2018
10. 香港大律師公會「仲裁委員會」委員(自2020年起)
Member, Arbitration Committee, Hong Kong Bar Association, since 2020
11. 旅館牌照簽發諮詢小組委員 (2022.12.01 – 2026.11.30)
Member, Advisory Panel on Licensing of Hotels and Guesthouses, 2022.12.01 to 2026.11.30
12. 社會工作者註冊局委員 (2023.01.16 – 2026.01.15)
Member, Disciplinary Committee Panel of Social Workers Registration Board, 2023.01.16 to 2026.01.15
13. 上訴審裁團(建築物)主席 (2024.12.01 – 2027.11.30)
Chairman, Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings), 2024.12.01 – 2027.11.30
Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.