- 韋凱雯 大律師
Amanda Whitfort大律師是第一位成功通過大律師公會的海外大律師資格考試的本地考﹝2005年﹞。 她於2006年在香港成為執業大律師。 由於她在倫敦大學的法學碩士﹝校外﹞課程中取得了最高的總分,於2001年獲倫敦大學頒發Brigid Cotter Prize。 另外亦於2003年7月取得美國National Institute for Trial Advocacy Diploma in Advocacy Skills。
Amanda Whitfort大律師是香港大學法律系的副教授,並於2001年開始擔任法學專業證書課程內「刑事程序」科目的課程主任。她為書本 “Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong: A Guide for Students and Practitioners” (Hong Kong, LexisNexis, 2006) 之作者,及 “Archbold Hong Kong” 之撰文者。 此外,Amanda亦被香港律師會委任成為其海外律師資格考試的首席考官,及海外學生法學專業證書轉制考試「刑事程序」科目的首席考官。
除了香港的執業資格,Amanda Whitfort大律師早於1995年已在澳洲維多利亞取得大律師及律師的資格,對當地司法管轄區的刑事法及刑事程序非常熟悉。 當她在澳洲執業時曾為維多利亞檢察院成員,負責監督維多利亞區縣法院的刑事案件表。
當1998年移居香港後,Amanda即加入香港大學成為法律系法學士、法學碩士和法學專業證書等課程的講師。除了擔任「刑事程序」科目的首席講師之外,她亦有教授法學專業證書課程內的「訴訟訟辯」、「民事程序」、「民事訟辯」科目。另外,她亦在香港大學的科學碩士課程內的「環境管理」科目中教授環保法。 Amanda還是香港愛護動物協會 Legal Working Party on Law Reform in Hong Kong的副主席,而她在這方面的興趣促使她於2009年開辨亞洲第一個國際動物法的課程。
The Proposed Offence of Persistent Sexual Abuse of a Child (2002)
Determining an Indeterminate Sentence (2003)
Similar Fact Evidence, Its Uses and Limitations (2004)
Muddying the Waters; The Water Pollution Control Ordinance and defining pollution of Rivers and Streams in Hong Kong (2005) 與David Dudgeon教授合著
The Chinese Criminal Defence System: A Comparative Study of a System in Reform (2005)
The Right to a Fair Trial in China; The Criminal Procedure Law of 1996 (2007)
Presumed Guilty: Reverse Burdens of Proof and the Presumption of Innocence (2007)
與Hanif Mughal大律師合著
Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong; A Guide for Students and Practitioners
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210)
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Homicide Ordinance (Cap 339)
Archbold Hong Kong 2009 (書內兩章的作者)
Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong: Title 1(2) Animal Law (2008)
Law Reform and the Proposed New Sexual Offence Against Children, Legal Practitioners Professional Development Seminar, (2002)
Expanding the Defence of Consent to Crimes of Assault, Seminar to Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents and Journalists, (2002)
Similar Fact Evidence and Criminal Trials, Law Lectures for Practitioners, (2003)
Reforming the Chinese Criminal Defence System, International Symposium on Criminal Defence Strategies of the PRC, Shanghai, (2003)
Burdens of Proof, Possession of Imitation Firearms and Dangerous Drugs, Peking University/Hong Kong University Legal Research Centre Conference (2006)
Presumed Innocent? New Trends in Criminal Justice, Law Lectures for Practitioners (2007)
Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong and the Role of International Law Instruments,
Macau International Symposium on Law and Citizenship, Macau (2008)
Hong Kong's Animal Welfare Laws, RSPCA (International) and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (2008)
Advancing Animal Law in Asia, Lewis and Clark Law School, USA (2008)