- 袁建国 大律师
Hong Kong (2012)
Barrister (HK) (2012)
Solicitor (HK) (2011)
Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIArb)
HKMAAL Accredited General Mediator
CEDR Accredited Mediator
David is an advocate in both civil and criminal courts. His civil practice focuses on employees’ compensation, personal injuries and local and cross-border commercial disputes. He regularly advises on the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and Mainland judgments.
David also accepts instructions from the Department of Justice to prosecute on fiat in the magistracies.
David is a part-time Lecturer (Non-Clinical) at the University of Hong Kong teaching Criminal Procedure and Criminal Litigation Practice.
Chan Chi Wah v Lo Chi Keung (HCMP 188/2018)
Appeared at the hearing for the plaintiff where the defendant was removed as the executor by consent with costs.
Gurung Dil Bahadur v Fulcrum Engineering & Construction Ltd (DCPI 3783/2019)
Appeared at the hearing for assessment of damages and obtained costs order nisi against plaintiff’s solicitors personally for their late application to cease to act for the plaintiff in circumstances where the plaintiff withdrew his claim thereafter.
Shun Hing Holdings Co. Ltd. & Ors v Li Kwok Po David & Ors (HCA 664/2012)
Appeared as a led junior an application to unseal audited financial statements redacted by the Plaintiffs and to make disclosure of written representations by the board of directors to their auditors
Shun Hing Electronic Holdings Ltd & Anor v Wong Pui Fan (HCA 2417/2014)
Appeared as a led junior in striking out the Plaintiffs’ claim for knowing receipt in the sum of HK$280M by the Defendant from a deceased director of the Plaintiffs
HKSAR v Choi Kwong Chi & Ors (WKCC 517/2021)
Appeared at trial for the defendant facing charges of unlawful assembly and possession of offensive weapons. The Defendant was acquitted after trial for possession of offensive weapons in circumstances where his co-defendant was convicted for 18 months (24 months starting point) on the same charge.
HKSAR v Lester Shum & Anor (CACC 101/2021)
Appeared as a led junior in the application for bail pending appeal against sentence for defendants convicted of unlawful assembly.
HKSAR v Tai Wah Piling & Construction Co Ltd (STS 1319/2016)
Appeared at trial in a case involving a departmental summons issued by the Town Planning Department against the Defendant for failing to comply with a reinstatement notice under section 23(3) Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131).
HKSAR v Wong Chi Fung & Ors (DCCC 876, 885, 890 & 892/2020)
Appeared as a led junior in mitigation for the defendants involved in unlawful assembly.
David is a mediator at HKEMC experienced in conducting mediations for disputes in commercial, family and personal injury cases. He is an arbitrator at Penta Arbitration, a mediator at HKEMC and is on the List of Accredited Mediators for Building Management Cases in the Lands Tribunal, Bar List of Mediators and Bar List of Arbitrators.